Sunday, September 16, 2012

How To Get Out Of Your Writing Slump

You are staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor staring back at you. You want to write something creative and interesting for your blog--you just can't think of anything good to talk about. How can you get out your writing slump? Here are some tips that can help you jump start your writing

  • Just start typing. It doesn't necessarily have to be about anything in particular--just type about anything that comes across your mind at the time. Eventually, you will start to think of ideas and may not be able to stop writing! 
  • Write a list of topics that interest you. You will be surprised by how much you can come up with!
  • Take a break from the computer for ten minutes. Go get a snack or take a short walk--get your mind off of writing for a couple of minutes. After your break, try again. 
  • Look through the news. Maybe you will see a news story that will spark you interest that you can write about. Works for me sometimes!

Writing slumps happen to the best of all of us. Writing is pretty tough at times, but it is also a great outlet--especially blogs! You can write about whatever you want to--which is the beauty of it. If you ever find yourself falling into a writing slump, try some of these tricks. 

What do you do when you are in a writing slump? Share it with me! 


  1. I particulary agree with the first tip.

    Just start writing!

    For me, that is vital. Starting to write a paper is the hardest thing in the whole world, but once I start, the ideas just keep on coming!

    It's important to just get something down. And then, you can go back and proof.

  2. This is very helpful! After reading the tips, some of them I just thought to myself, "wow, I feel like I should have known about that." The ones that I'm really going to try to focus on is two and four. Keeping a list of things that interest you and looking at the news, those are some great tips for a slump! Which if you're not used to writing in blogs or for social media, you get in a lot of slumps (like me).
