Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Time Is Coming

Is everyone else as excited for Christmas as me? I keep listening to my Christmas Pandora station because I am absolutely pumped for the holidays this year! 

Christmas lights are my favorite 

Things I have made a habit of doing:

1. Listening to Christmas Pandora all the time
2. Drawing elves and presents in my notes during class (while paying attention of course)
3. Looking up Christmas movies on Netflix
4. Taking long ways home back to my apartment in Ada or home in Toledo; just to look at the Christmas lights people have already put up
5. I've made my Christmas wish list 
6. Made Christmas cards just because and they are currently addressed to NO ONE (Note: if you would like one, let me know!)
7. Made two batches of Christmas cookies already! 
8. Mapped out my entire Christmas break plans
9. Picked out my outfits for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (red and green obviously) 
10. Now, I am writing a blog post about my love for Christmas time 

If you couldn't tell by the list of things I have began to do in light of Christmas, I am completely obsessed with this time of year. I love how cheerful everyone is and how excited they all get for the holidays. It makes me super happy!

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies 

After Black Friday shopping, everyone gets really crazy about Christmas. I have been to New York City around Christmas time and that has to be one of my favorite cities to be in during that time of year. The huge Christmas tree downtown and the lights everyone just makes me so giddy inside. 

This is technically the last Christmas I will have before Kolton is born and brought into this world. My Papa says he can't wait for Kolton's first Christmas because he will actually have an excuse to get a train to run around the Christmas tree so Kolton can play with it. 

Yep, folks...I'll be a mommy next Christmas. I won't be getting all the presents anymore, instead, I will be playing my role as Santa Claus (even though he won't really know who that is yet). 

I am nervous but I can't wait! 

Enjoy the holidays everyone!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Does PR Mean To You?

Melissa and I worked on a video that was aimed for prospective students looking at Ohio Northern's public relations program. 

The theme of our video is "What Does PR Really Mean." We asked the students of Ohio Northern from all different majors and backgrounds--and then asked a few public relations students what it ACTUALLY means. 

We also focused on the different unique aspects of our program here at Ohio Northern.

We touched on the following:

1. Our mentor program through PRSSA 

2. Our awesome PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) Chapter at ONU

3. National events we get to attend as public relations students

4. The internship opportunities we get through our program (they are endless really!)

5. The hands-on experience we get through our student-run firm, True North PR

We also had a student, Lauren Tennet, talk about why public relations is important. 

Melissa and I's goal was to have a fun video that prospective students could relate to and understand. Our message was to get them to understand the basics of public relations and what our program here at Ohio Northern has to offer. 

Hope you enjoy the video! 

Come to Ohio Northern University and find out what PR really means! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Different Thanksgiving This Year

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this year!! I know I did. This year was a little different for me because it was the first year I spent with my almost-new family. I went to the Zimmerman family Thanksgiving and I actually had a lot of fun. 

It was a day full of football, apple pie and pumpkin pie, and games. It is the one day you don't have to feel bad about eating everything in sight (although, most days I do that anyways now). 

Not only was it different spending the day with the Zimmerman family, but this year was different because I am 28 weeks pregnant and a lot of things in my life have changed. 

But I'm thankful. 

Things I am thankful for: 

1. Going to a great school like Ohio Northern University
2. A great family (both the Zimmerman family and mine) 
3. Support from friends here at school
4. Support from my professors 
5. My wonderful unborn baby (who I love oh so much) 
6. My fiance, Nick
7. My roommates here at school
8. My health

Although I am thankful for many more things, these things are very important to me because they make me who I am and I am so blessed to have everything that I do. 

My awesome friends 
This year has been a year of big decisions and I think I have made the right ones (in most cases). I wouldn't change anything for the world. 

The most important thing this year was finding out I was pregnant. It hasn't been easy and it has definitely been hard at times, but I am thankful for Kolton Nicholas Zimmerman- due in February 2013. I am now currently at week 28 and that is pretty scary but exciting! With Christmas break around the corner, I feel like it will go by fast. 

Baby Kolton's little hand over his face

I put up a few pictures of the things I am thankful for. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Days and your holidays! 

My best friend and my fiance, Nick 
28 weeks pregnant