Monday, October 29, 2012

8 Ways To Conduct Successful Social Media

This week my social media class discussed Chapters 5 and 6 of Measure What Matters by Katie Paine. I felt like I learned a lot in these chapters that would apply to my current National Editor-in-Chief position for Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). 

One topic I found very interesting was how to conduct social media successfully. I think the top 8 steps I read about are some of the most crucial steps to take when launching a blog or some other type of social media outlet. 
 Here are 8 ways to ensure successful social media:

 1. Find the content. Find hosts of free monitoring services so you can keep track of what's in the news and what is going on. 

2. Determine the type of conversation take place. Quantifying the % of conversations that fall into each category.

3. Determine the visibility of your brand. Determine where in the post/video/conversation your organization was mentioned -Dominance vs. Prominence.

4. Determine who was quoted in item. If conducting a thought leadership program, tracking presence or absence of thought leaders is critical. 

5. Determine the sentiment and/or presence or absence of recommendations. Check the Sentiment (tone) Net Promoter Score to see if consumers are recommending your brand. Typical tones that are recognized are positive/negative/balanced/neutral.

6. Determine what, if any, messages were communicated. Categorize your discussion of your messages.

7. Determine positioning on key issue or battles. Good analysis will pull out recurring themes, complains, and messages
8. Quantifying the authority of writer or poster
. Use Twitalyzer and Technorati to do this. 

Courtesy of Thought Pick

Out of all these steps, I found #5 to be the most fascinating. I never really thought there would be that many different tone categories for social media--I always thought it was as clear as the colors, black and white. These tone categories give a little gray area though--with positive, negative, balanced, and neutral. I feel as though giving a social media account a "neutral" presence would be hard to measure. I would rather have a positive or negative social media account so I knew what exactly to fix--neutral seems to "gray area" for me. 

Other than that, I completely agree with every step. I am trying to practice all of these steps to ensure the blog I run for PRSSA is credible as well as highly trafficked. 

I will take these steps with me everywhere!

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