Monday, November 19, 2012

Before Your Crisis: Ask Yourself These 8 Questions

While skimming through blogs I follow and reading about the latest public relations topics, I came across an article called, "8 Questions To Help You Prepare Your Company For A Social Media Crisis."

The article talked about the red flags companies and organizations should be aware of and the importance of a social media crisis plan. This article couldn't be more right! It is very important to have a plan for different kinds of crisis, although we can't always prepare for everything, we can sure try.

I found the following questions to be very helpful and important for a social media crisis situation (however, I changed them a little according to my understanding of them):

  1. Define what a social media crisis is. What does it mean to your company or organization? 
  2. What are the red flags to look for when your company is under a social media attack?
  3. How are you currently monitoring for attacks, 24/7, for targeted key words, and those "red flags"?
  4. What risks are involved with the social media/online marketing strategies your company/organization uses?
  5. How should you respond to each risk/scenario? 
  6. Who, within your organization, is assigned to respond to negative comments and/or potential risks online?
  7. What is the current sentiment about your brand online?
  8. What do your customers and fans expect of you in a crisis and are you prepared to meet those expectations? 

I think these questions are very important when you are thinking of your brand and how you handle your online communication/marketing. 

After reading the article, I thought of some of my previous public relations experiences and how all of these questions tie into each crisis in public relations--but since social media is on the rise, ESPECIALLY that. 

What do you guys think of these questions? Do you think they are helpful?

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