Monday, November 26, 2012

A Different Thanksgiving This Year

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this year!! I know I did. This year was a little different for me because it was the first year I spent with my almost-new family. I went to the Zimmerman family Thanksgiving and I actually had a lot of fun. 

It was a day full of football, apple pie and pumpkin pie, and games. It is the one day you don't have to feel bad about eating everything in sight (although, most days I do that anyways now). 

Not only was it different spending the day with the Zimmerman family, but this year was different because I am 28 weeks pregnant and a lot of things in my life have changed. 

But I'm thankful. 

Things I am thankful for: 

1. Going to a great school like Ohio Northern University
2. A great family (both the Zimmerman family and mine) 
3. Support from friends here at school
4. Support from my professors 
5. My wonderful unborn baby (who I love oh so much) 
6. My fiance, Nick
7. My roommates here at school
8. My health

Although I am thankful for many more things, these things are very important to me because they make me who I am and I am so blessed to have everything that I do. 

My awesome friends 
This year has been a year of big decisions and I think I have made the right ones (in most cases). I wouldn't change anything for the world. 

The most important thing this year was finding out I was pregnant. It hasn't been easy and it has definitely been hard at times, but I am thankful for Kolton Nicholas Zimmerman- due in February 2013. I am now currently at week 28 and that is pretty scary but exciting! With Christmas break around the corner, I feel like it will go by fast. 

Baby Kolton's little hand over his face

I put up a few pictures of the things I am thankful for. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Days and your holidays! 

My best friend and my fiance, Nick 
28 weeks pregnant 

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