Monday, December 10, 2012

20 Years From Now--Where Will Jenna Marbles Be?

As most of my friends know, I am a head-over-heels Jenna Marbles fan. I really love her videos and I follow her social media (Twitter handle @Jenna_Marbles) religiously. She is definitely one of a kind. Her fame is based primarily on her YouTube videos and her vulgar personality (which I am cool with--for now). 

However, after watching one of her videos where she basically rattled off the "f" word the entire segment, I was kind of turned off by her and began to think. Although she has a lot going for her right now, such as her body, looks, humor, and social media following--what is going to happen to her when she is older and not as appealing? 

Her fame is basically based off of her vulgar personality (like I said before). Most employers obviously wouldn't go for that--so is she just going to make videos and write humorous tweets the rest of her life? I suppose she could go into being a comedian, but for now, what happens if she runs out of video ideas? 

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jenna Marbles...I just don't know how successful she will be 20 years down the road in this "career." 

Here are some tweets I just saw on my newsfeed: 

It's like a secret poop-off contest in my house. F****** poop dude. Real poop. Poop.

If I could make sweet buttsex with all of you individually as a thank you I would, but alas, that is gross.

What's the difference between marbles and Kermit? Nothing. They both think it's f******* cool to poop in the house. 

Where do you guys think she will be in 20 years????? 

1 comment:

  1. Since she has a BS in Psychology and a Masters degree as well I imagine she will fall back on that when she feels the time is right.
