Sunday, September 2, 2012

How To Establish A Reputable Twitter

Most college students use Twitter to tweet about the latest food in the cafeteria, their relationship problems, or the mean professor in that assigned homework for the weekend. However, since I joined Twitter--I have noticed a significant difference in the followers I attract now compared to the beginning. Since then, I've learned a few things I didn't know before.

  • Set a theme for your Twitter. Will it be used for personal use or professional use? Try not to mix the two. Your tweets should relate to what you want your theme to be. If you are using it for professional use, try to keep your tweets strictly on what your professional focus is on. 
  • Use your hashtags (#) appropriately. Don't hashtag something that won't trend. Hashtags are used to connect with other users who are interested in the same topic or at the same event. Example: #PRSSA (an organization) would be something I would hashtag after a tweet discussing something to do with it. An example of what would be an incorrect use of a hashtag: #IamboredonaSundayanditsnotfun (that most likely won't trend).
  • Value your followers. When someone follows you, make an effort to see who they are and see what their Twitter is like.  Your followers are important because they interact with you and follow the content you post. 
  • Always interact. When another person on Twitter retweets you or replies to a tweet you posted, make sure you always thank them or connect with them. 
  • Don't overuse your Twitter. People will get annoyed if you tweet eight times in one minute so make sure you tweet often but not too often. 

I still make mistakes on Twitter from time to time--and it's definitely taken some time getting used to how it exactly works. After learning the advice I've just written, it has made my presence on Twitter much more noticeable. It has also made my Twitter a lot more established in the professional world. 

How do you establish yourself on Twitter? Share any advice you have with me!

Follow me at AshMauder

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