Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halloween Is Going To Be "A" Blast

With Halloween right around the corner, I have been hard at work brainstorming ideas for my Halloween costume. Normally, I would find something cute that flattered my figure, but since my figure is long gone at the moment--I decided my costume needed to match three requirements. 

  • Bigger/baggy outfit
  • Popular BUT original too (it has to be something I can easily explain)
  • Cheap, cheap, cheap! 

When researching outfits that fit this criteria, I came across a recent blog post from a blog I follow avidly. ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars blog. For those of you who don't know, I am obsessed (that's putting it mildly) with the show, Pretty Little Liars. I haven't missed an episode since I started watching it. I even interact with other "PLL (Pretty Little Liars)" enthusiasts. I am an active user on the show's Facebook page, Twitter account, and blog. If that doesn't scream, "LOVE", I don't know what does.

The blog post promoted an unforgettable Halloween costume. The "A" costume. Guess what? I am going to be "A" for Halloween! I would love to explain who "A" is to those of you who don't know, but it would take me forever. So, I've linked the official website if you have some free time on your hands to surf. 

Toby in his "A" Team attire. Courtesy of Alloy Entertainment 

I chose the "A" costume because I knew it fit all of the criteria I was looking for in a costume. 

Things needed for my outfit: 

1. Baggy, black sweatshirt
2. Black sweatpants
3. Sunglasses
4. An "A" on the back of the sweatshirt (I think red is going to be my color of choice)
5. A cell phone
6. A free application on my phone that has "A" messages
7. Black combat boots

This outfit is coming straight out of my closet basically. I don't need to buy anything new EXCEPT for combat boots. I don't think I have any black combat boots. Other than the boots, I think this is an excellent idea, plus I can promote the show I love so much.

I really wish ABC Family followed my blog. I want to work for your public relations/marketing/advertising so bad! I would rock at it.

If you want to check out the "A" costume, go here! 

What are you going to be for Halloween? Share it with me! :) 

-A (You see what I did there?) 


  1. I love this idea for your Halloween costume. I know from personal experience just how obsessed you are with PLL. I was thinking for Halloween of wearing something not very scary. I also don't want something risque. Maybe a doctor, or a mailman. I'm not sure!

  2. Ash, do you want to think of a costume for me? I'm at a loss. The best idea I've had so far is to throw a sheet over my head and call myself a ghost. Think that will work?

  3. I think this is a great costume idea! I watch Pretty Little Liars as well so I know exactly what being A means. This will be such a simple and comfortable costume.
