Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Pumpkin Lady


With Halloween drawing very near, I have been on a total Halloween frenzy! I have made pumpkin cookies, eaten spider-sprinkle donuts, and visited over three pumpkin patches. I think it is safe to say that I am on a definitely a little bit of a Halloween nut. 

The other day, I decided I was going to carve a pumpkin all by myself. You may laugh and ask yourself, "what do you mean all by yourself?" I am not joking when I say I have never actually carved a pumpkin completely by myself before. I have always had someone help me (or do most of it). When I was little, I loved the look of pumpkins but I didn't really like the gooey mess inside of them. Now, I am obsessed with the gooey mess and I wish I could carve pumpkins all day every day. 

After carving this pumpkin, I decided to go online and search for more pumpkin carving designs--and boy, I found some I am going to try! I found a website called, "The Pumpkin Lady", and I already bookmarked it to my Internet so it will always pop up whenever I get on. 

Out of the many pumpkin designs, these are the ones I am trying this weekend at my grandparents' house (which means off to another pumpkin patch!). 

1. Numbskull Pattern 

2. Boo Crew Pattern

3. Hallowords Pattern 

These are my top three favorite categories of patterns that I plan on completing this weekend. Does anyone want me to carve a pumpkin for them? I am seriously good at it! 

If you are curious as to what these patterns actually mean, you can visit the Pumpkin Lady website! 
Pumpkins (the one on the left is my creation)


  1. I love the insides of pumpkins! I went to The Pumpkin Lady's site and she had some really cool patterns. I might have to download one from her.

  2. I would love to try some of The Pumpkin Lady's designs! I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but I do love the fall season. Pumpkin carving is always a tradition at my house and I look forward to coming up with a fun face to carve this year!

  3. You've never done a whole carving by yourself until now? That actually surprises me a little bit! I miss carving pumpkins because our family always did them together, but since I'm at college I'm never home around Halloween to carve as a family. It's funny how little things like that make you wish you were young again!
